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I love books. I could spend the whole day reading. The library is ... okay stop! that's way too nerdy. Welcome to my blog.
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Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Fathers Day =)

It was Fathers Day yesterday. Me, my cousin (who, by the way, is a blogger to. She's Katrina) and my sister, made cards for our grandfathers, my ninong and of course my daddy.

Yesterday we celebrated Fathers Day in Max restaurant. It was fun. We were all there. My ninang (the sister of my mommy)and ninong were there. My other ninong(brother of mommy) was there also there and my ninang too. My cousins came along with me, daddy, mommy and my sister.

It was a fun day. After we ate my grandparents went home and so did my ninongs and ninangs. My cousin(Katrina's little brother)wanted to go with us but has to go home. My cousin, Katrina, came along with us - we wanted to go to the mall. We visited Bestseller again and we each came home with a book in our hands (well...........except for mommy). Well I guess thats it.

Belated Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there especially to my daddy and my grandads.

Friday, June 12, 2009


I did it! I finished the book! Although the ending was kinda sad, I still liked it.

Okay so here's what happened: Cornelia visited Virginia often. Virginia told Cornelia stories about her adventures with her sisters. According to the book Virginia's sisters died already, but it doesn't say how they died. Virginia was the youngest. Her sisters were: Alexandra and Beatrice, who were twins and Gladys, who was chubby and tomboyish.

Cornelia kept her friendship with Virgina a secret from her mother, Lucy, because Virginia treats Cornelia as if she was Cornelia S. Engleheart and not the daughter of Lucy Engleheart, the famous pianist.

She felt like she was in another world while listening to Virginia's stories.

One day Cornelia took her usal trip to Virginia's apartment and Virginia's servant, Patel , opened the door and said she couldn't see Virginia because she wasn't well. Patel then asked if she could walk Mister Kinyatta instead. And she did. Everyday she did the same thing because Virginia wasn't well, she walked Mister Kinyatta everyday.

One day when Cornelia visited Patel wasn't there, so she walked in the apartment by herself and went to Virginia's room upstairs. She heard Virginia talking to someone, a lady , she knocked and Virginia said she could come in. When she did she saw her mom there then she cried and went to her own apartment and into her room. In her room and cried a lot and her mother talked to her.

She told Cornelia that Virginia had cancer and will not be staying with them for a long time.

Months went by, eventually Virginia died and that's the sad part. Then one day Patel visited and told her that Virginia had left Cornelia two presents: one was her dog, Mister Kinyatta and the other was a book that she made with Patel. Cornelia was overjoyed and hugged and kissed both Patel and Mister Kinyatta.

And that's it.

If you have time, you could read this book because the story was nice. The characters were very insteresting. I guess that's it. Until the next book.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A New Book

So if you are a booklover what do you do? You do two things - you buy a book and then you read it.

I always have a book in my hand wherever I go. When I go to my grandparent's house, the mall or even when I eat dinner at the dining table downstairs. The book I'm reading right now is called Cornelia and The Audacious Escapades of The Somerset Sisters. We bought the book in a store called Bestseller. I also bought two other books - the first book is called Just Grace and the other one is called Jenny Archer, Author. We bought these books in a store called Book Sale.

At first I wasn't too keen to buy the book, but my mom convinced me. And I'm glad that I did! Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of The Somerset Sisters is about an 11 year old girl named Cornelia S. Engleheart whose mother is a famous pianist. Her legacy should have made her feel fabulous, but instead it made her feel just plain lonely.

Cornelia loves books just like me and like her I'm going to be 11 in December. I also know some pretty big English words. She collects many dictionaries as well. She can really beat any one in crossword - even adults! A glamorous writer named Virginia Somerset moved next door with a servant called Patel who serves them mint tea and her mischievous bulldog named Mister Kinyatta. Cornelia uncovers a world that is much more exciting than her own.

I haven't finished the book yet. And I'm really excited to find out what happens to the new characters in her life. I'll keep you posted. So stay tuned.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hello Blogging World

2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Hi I am Ysabel . I'm a new blogger. My mom's also a blogger, she's Sophiagurl. I read books a lot and I also like to write. So I decided to share some things about me. So here it is.